why does my clit hurt
Why Does My Clit Hurt If you are wondering why does my clit hurt you have come to the right place to learn more about it. The majority of women are having questions that " W hy is my clit so sensitive " as compared with other women. The clitoris is a compassionate and important part of the female body, often known as the center of pleasure. Some people may experience heightened sensitivity in their clitoris, which can raise questions about the reasons behind it. This article explores the factors contributing to clitoral sensitivity and provides insights to help you understand this phenomenon. Wonderful Anatomy of the Clitoris: Understanding the anatomy of the clitoris is crucial before exploring why it is so sensitive. Situated at the top of the vulva, the clitoris is a small but densely innervated organ dedicated solely to pleasure. Despite its diminutive size, it houses numerous nerve endings, rendering it highly responsive to touch and stimulation. What are the Bes